The Grey Cup Festival will require volunteer support in 2022.
Now is the time to sign up to volunteer at the Festival, which will be held in Regina from November 15-20.

The planning committee seeks between 1,200 and 1,500 volunteers to fill a range of positions, including arrival ambassadors, greeters, coat check volunteers, information booth volunteers, bar helpers, VIP motor pool chauffeurs, ambassadors for outdoor festivals, and ambassadors for sports.
All volunteers will receive T-shirts, caps, and a bright green 3-in-1 jacket worth more than $250. It costs $85 to cover clothing, software, training, lunches, support, and administration (plus GST).
Bernadette McIntyre, who is in charge of the volunteer team for the event, is certain that Regina citizens will volunteer.
The following day, she told reporters, “We know that people are eager to help and willing to participate.”
Winston Churchill put it most aptly: “This is a really strange phenomenon. We are ecstatic that over 2,000 volunteers have joined our host committee to assist us in putting on a spectacle that Regina has never before witnessed. It is the largest celebration in Canada and the Canadian football Super Bowl. Volunteers in Regina and Saskatchewan will demonstrate the affection and concern of the people in this region.
Volunteers are required to provide a minimum of four hours, with most shifts lasting between four and five hours.
According to McIntyre, youngsters will have access to an array of employment opportunities.
She informed me that volunteers may utilize their time in numerous ways. At our wonderful outdoor street fair, they will be asked to meet guests, assist in Riderville, and occasionally pour drinks. Currently, a virtual zone is being built.
Volunteers will assist with an assortment of duties.
Volunteers must be 19 or older, register online, and consent to a background check.
When the volunteer system starts in October, volunteers will be able to choose the positions and shifts they prefer (or sooner, if possible).
This Saturday marks the end of volunteer opportunities for the 2022 Grey Cup Festival.
By this Saturday, volunteers for the 2022 Grey Cup Festival must register.
Volunteers are required to pay $85 for their time (plus GST). In exchange for their time, they will receive free parking, admission to many Festival activities, free food and beverages, an orientation, training, and a farewell party on November 22. The expense of their attire for the Grey Cup exceeds $250.
Each volunteer must commit to four shifts of four to five hours. The Grey Cup Committee requires approximately 1,200 volunteers.
Bernadette McIntyre and Hiedi Pearson, co-chairs of the Festival’s Volunteer Services Committee, stated that the opportunity to welcome the entire nation to the 2022 Grey Cup Festival only arises once per decade. Bring it to the Heartland involves a group of individuals “She advised him,
Saturday will see Super Soccer broadcast the Regina High Schools Athletic Association city finals from Leibel Field.
On Saturday, the Luther Lions will take on the Sheldon-Williams Spartans in a 4A girls match, the Laval Lions will take on the Thom Trojans in a 4A boys match, the O’Neill Titans will take on the LeBoldus Golden Suns in a 5A girls match, and the O’Neill Titans will take on the Campbell Tartans in a 5A boys match.
Adults pay $5 while children pay $3. (students in grades 7 to 12). The program is free for K-6 grade children. The finals could attract as many as 1,000 contestants and 250 volunteers.
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